I am a flexible and diligent professional with a keen interest in learning new skills and exploring new opportunities.
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I am a flexible and diligent professional with a keen interest in learning new skills and exploring new opportunities. I am a flexible and diligent professional with a keen interest in learning new skills and exploring new opportunities. I am a flexible and diligent professional with a keen interest in learning new skills and exploring new opportunities. I am a flexible and diligent professional with a keen interest in learning new skills and exploring new opportunities. I am a flexible and diligent professional with a keen interest in learning new skills and exploring new opportunities.

Dear Employer,


I am writing to express my interest in your company. I am a fresh graduate of Bachelor of Science in Entertainment and Multimedia Computing major in Digital Animation Technology from Bataan Peninsula State University, where I learned Communication and Organizational skills, Project management skills, time management skills, Proficiency in Microsoft, Interpersonal skills and developed a passion for this field. Although I do not have much work experience or a portfolio yet, I am eager to learn from your team and contribute to your projects. Here are some of the reasons why I think I am a suitable candidate for this role:


I have basic knowledge of Microsoft Specialist, tools and software, and I am willing to undergo training and certification if needed. I have a positive attitude, a growth mindset, and a willingness to take on challenges and feedback.


I would love to discuss this opportunity with you further and show you how I can add value to your company.  Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.




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