Lincensed Special Education Teacher, having 3 years experience.
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Hi, my name is Monica, I’m 24 years old and I’m a licensed special education teacher. I’ve been teaching special education for three years now. When I was in college, my major was special education. It was a lot of fun, but it also made me realize that teaching is what I wanted to do with my life. Since then, I have been enjoying teaching students and learning more about myself, my students, and the world around them, becoming a better and more effective teacher. I am also developing my skills for teaching by studying for a masters degree at the University of Dagupan. My hobbies are singing and watching movies.

I want to teach in the USA because I want to be better trained as an effective teacher. We all know that facilities and the quality of training there are more competitive. Although I want to teach here in Philippine public schools, there are no items available, especially in special education. I also considered teaching in a regular setting, but I feel more fulfilled if I help children with special needs. The second reason is that I want to experience new environments in teaching and other curriculums to learn about their cultures, and of course, I want to share our culture here as well. Last but not least are the benefits and salary. I am giving my best at teaching, but I also want to have a fair or competitive salary.

My experience in teaching began when, as a fresh graduate, I applied at Clarice Angels School as a resource/shadow teacher in the preschool department, where I assisted the learner with autism spectrum disorder inside the regular classroom. After his regular class, we proceed to the sped room to review his lesson, or we dig up the part of the lesson in which he’s still confused. also applies in the afternoon session; I had two learners that I handled. Then the pandemic came, and the school laid us off.

Next is my experience at Oakridge International School as a speed teacher for 2 years. My responsibilities are to make IEPs for their individual learning plans, assist them in an inclusion class, modify their activities, and communicate with the parents about the learner’s progress. In my two experiences, the difference is that Oakridge has an IEP and we have modifications and accommodations.

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