I'm a hardworking person and I'm willing to train and learn. When it comes to work I always giving my 100% best.
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I'm a hardworking person and I'm willing to train and learn. When it comes to work I always giving my 100% best.

Hello I’m Khem Bungcasan 29 years of age from the Philippines. I want to apply as your Admin Virtual Assistant, I also have experience working as Virtual Assistant (Non voice) here in the Philippines, like were selling a lot of different products on facebook and my role is to communicate to our clients if they have any question or if they want to buy something that were selling, I’m the one who’s doing the sales talk, providing all the details of the products and so on, and also I’m very familiar in managing email because of my previous work as General Virtual Assistant. My role as GVA was Research and Email management, that’s why I think I can do this kind of job. I know that this role is different from my previous experience but I can assure you that I’m a hard working person, driven, dedicated, coachable, fast learner, willing to train and learn, when it comes to work I’m always giving my 100 percent best.

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