I'm a fast learner, affable and multiskilled.
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Dear Mr./Mrs.,

I am writing to express my interest in securing an Associate position at your company. I am a High School Graduate yet I excel in my own exception. I have the basic knowledge in Information Technology and can advance it. I come from sales and customer service background with a strong interest in business and a passion towards strategy. My area of focus and interest varies from quantitative analysis to project management. I am extremely impressed with company’s approach to strategy consulting, especially within the Business Development and Innovation practice areas. My academic background is not a hindrance on achieving my goals, I believe my business knowledge and industry experiences have provided me with the credentials needed to thrive as an Advocate.

To date, my experience as a customer service professional has been extremely rewarding and productive. However, it is through customer service and admin tasks that I can use my analytical aptitude and creative problem solving skills to their fullest. I strongly believe that consulting is a discipline that will force me to view problems not only from the client’s standpoint but also from a marketplace, best practices and “think out of the box” point of views.

I would appreciate the opportunity to be interviewed with your company for the Associate/advocate position.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



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