I am efficient and diligent in completing tasks and always eager to assist and learn.
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I am Ariane T. Aguas, 23 years old, I have recently completed my Bachelor’s degree in Education, specializing in General Education, from Tarlac State University. As a recent graduate in Education, I am eager to begin my teaching career and contribute to the academic success of students at your esteemed institution.

I would be delighted to improve and develop any skills necessary for the job I am applying for. I am responsible and hard-working. I can also work at flexible hours to comply with my tasks and responsibilities. With a strong passion for education and a dedication to fostering a positive learning environment, I am committed to creating engaging lessons and supporting students’ holistic development. My student teaching experiences have provided me with valuable insights into effective instructional strategies and classroom management techniques.

Thank you for considering my application. I greatly appreciate your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your educational mission and making a positive impact on the lives of students.

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