I am dedicated at any will and will to learn how things goes that I can apply in my work.
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I am a fresh graduate of Isabela State University-Echague Campus with a Bachelors’ degree of Secondary Education major in English. I have developed a good communicating skill which I know that I can apply in this job. I have As an English major student I have a good interpersonal skill, enabling me to collaborate effectively in teams. I am organized and detail-oriented person, I make sure that every document and record is in the proper place. I also have basic computer skill, such as using the Microsoft Office at the same time with a familiarity in sending and receiving emails.
In starting this first job I am willing to be teach in dealing with the clients professionally and other responsibilities in your company. I am willing and eager to learn the responsibilities that is needed to be apply in doing my job.

Thank you so much for considering my application. More power and God bless!

Very truly yours,

Marilyn O. Acapuyan

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