I am a very organized person.
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Hi, and the first thing you should know about me is.

I am not a marketer I’m not an expert on sales either I am a college undergraduate and i dont have a degree in marketing.

In fact, the only thing i consider myself an expert about is being an exceptional Virtual Assistant.

Here are some task I’m capable of doing…

Managing WordPress Website (Uploading blog post, Creating images)
Creating Social Media Images (posters and memes)
Managing Email campaigns (Mailchimp)
Managing Linkedin Profile Account
Prepared presentation for prospective clients (Powerpoint)
Build engagement and trust via Social Media flatforms
Manage Utube accounts (edit videos, create thumbnails, inserting captions, write descriptions).
Gather data for Efficient Business Strategy and Desicion Making.
Improve Customer Retaliations (Customer Support,Refunds etc).

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