I am a Psychology major shaped as someone who knows how to handle different individuals, and understanding their manner.
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I am a student from the University of San Carlos (USC) studying Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and I am an incoming 4th year student.

For a brief moment, during the summer after graduating senior high school in Science and Technology Education Center (STEC), I was once a call center agent (trainee) from The Results Companies Cebu; however, I was not able to complete my training because I need to quit working in order to continue my studies and proceed to college as per my parents’ decision. Also, I was given the chance to work as a part-time Digital Marketing Assistant for SASACO Jewelry wherein my ‘boss’ is a Chinese who lives in Australia; I was tasked to post items (products) from their website to different social media accounts and is also tasked to create advertisements, video editing, and graphic designs to boost our accounts and products. For fifteen (15) days in the year 2022 on the month of June, I have been a Reservation Sales Agent at The Beach Park-Hadsan, wherein I was tasked to be at the front desk and entertain the guests, answer calls and queries from customers through chat and phone calls; and manage our social media accounts. Yet within those brief moments, I have learned and got the chance to hone a lot of my skills especially in communicating; I also got the ability to manage my time well and be organized. In the year 2023, I’ve got the opportunity to be the secretary of one of the unit managers of Filipino Homes wherein I perform administrative, clerical, and marketing tasks.

As a Psychology student, I am doing excellently in my studies with a good record of morals and conduct, and I believe that I can manage myself very well in my career. If given the chance to work with you, I assure you that I will commit my time and exert the best of me to serve high quality outcomes making sure that you can trust me at all times.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and working with you soon. Thank you very much and have a nice day!

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