I'm always energetic quick learner always like to rent overtime

I'm always energetic quick learner always like to rent overtime I'm always energetic quick learner always like to rent overtime I'm always energetic quick learner always like to rent overtime I'm always energetic quick learner always like to rent overtime I'm always energetic quick learner always like to rent overtime

Im Eugene Baldecasa 50 yrs age Study from Philippines School Business Administration taking A Computer Management major Management Information Sytem I didn’t graduate because lack of financial after my College 4 months before I have job from my province here in Bulacan as Sales Clerk at the same time Storekeeper or Storekeeping in Pharmacy of San Miguel District Hospital St.Rita San Miguel Bulacan after a year I worked in abroad as Housekeeping 2008-2013 then 2013 – 2014 Assistant Cook/helper then 2015-2016 Housekeeping my son’s got sick that why I got home he is been paralyzed no one will take care of my son’s that why I have no job now

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